今年伦敦大学学院UCL以及CASS商学院等大学的面试形式与往年不同,主要采取video interview的形式,并且最近换题了!!!划重点哦~换题了!!!
一.那么,接上之前对MSC Management的面试试题总结,总共有2大个(目前还没变),这里学姐再给大家重新提一下,都有哪些问题:
1. Think about a major problem of our times. Within three minutes, you are to explain the problem, the reason why we should be concerned about the problem, and the main why we can solve the problem or reduce its negative impacts.
2. Within 2 minutes, could you explain why you are the right candidate for the MSc Management and why the MSc management is the right programme for you?
二.这期的重点,变脸题目来了,MSc Finance金融硕士,到底变成了哪样?
1. 为什么选择UCL?
2. 请阐述一下你未来五年的职业规划是什么?
3. 你觉得xxxx给我们人类金融领域带来了哪些变化?
4. 阐述一下从小到大你的xxxx都有什么?
5. 你认为现在对你来说xxx的事情是什么?如何克服这些?
6. 你为什么选择这个课程?你为什么觉得你是这个课程合适的候选人?
1 Why do you choose UCL?
2 Could you explain why you are the right candidate for the MSc Finance?
3 Why the MSc management is the right programme for you?
4 Please describe your xxxxxxx background.
5 Could you tell me something about your xxxxxxx?
6 How you think the xxxxx xxxxx the UK, the Europe and the world xxxxx within xxxxxxx years?
三.那么你应该如何正确去面试?or 什么样是一个合格的面试回答?
ICP备案编号:京ICP备05056671联系方式:400-611-5767 联系地址:英国总部地址:Crown House, 231 Kings Road, Reading RG1 4LS 北京分公司地址:北京市朝阳区建国路乙118号京汇大厦3层(国贸C3口出步行2分钟) 上海分公司地址:上海市浦东新区松涛路200弄71号
Crown House, 231 Kings Road, Reading RG1 4LS E-mail: info@melleeduuk.com
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