1. Why UCL? Why Management?
2. What courses do you think should be added into MSc Management and why?
3. What is the key challenge around education according to current status world-widely? (相似问题:What are the main obstacles of improving international education ?)
4. During the process of studying MSc Management, what can you learn from your fellow?
5. What is your biggest academic achievement and how do you think it will help you successfully complete an MSc Management at UCL? (相似问题:what sort of contribution do you expect to donate to research or business community during studying at UCL?)
6. Could you explain why you are the right candidate for the MSc Management and why the MSc Management is the right programme for you?
7. Could you please give me an example of a current affair your recently read about? And what do you think of it? (相似问题:Think about a major problem of our times. Within three minutes, you need explain the problem, the reason why we should be concerned about the problem, and the main way we can solve the problem or reduce its negative impacts?)
8. What is key element to drive you to fulfill your future goals? (相似问题:What are the interests that drive your career goal?)
9. Which cultures, other than your own, are you interested in? Why?
10. In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a good leader?
11. In your opinion, who is the most influential leader in the world?
12. On a scale from 1 to 5, in which 1 corresponds to strongly disagree and 5 corresponds to strongly agree, rate how important is authenticity in leadership and explain why?
13. Do you have some work experience which impressed you? What is your career plan?
14. What is your greatest strength and weakness?
15. In which country are you going to work? Why?
16. What career advice do you expect to get from UCL MSc Management?
17. What is the key challenge of your career goal?
但是今年UCL面试是以video interview面试为主,首先给学生发来一封电邮,要求学生在有限的时间内,完成录频面试。学生可根据自身情况安排录音的面试,但是一定要找到信号好的不受干扰的地方,这个非常重要,因为毕竟有不给面试机会直接据信的,学姐也见过一些,已经参加过面试的小伙伴们友情分享了2个面试问题,供大家参考。
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